Jumat, 08 April 2011

Computer Troubleshooting

Computers are an important tool that is rated at this time, we take one
examples of office activities, of course with computers so the work can be
resolved more quickly. As a user or users of the computer course, we also
never had a problem with the computer. This can be caused by
incompatibility of the basic components of the computer itself that is usually associated with
Software (software or applications), hardware (hardware) or Brainware (si
computer users).
Understanding Computer Troubleshooting
In the world of computers, all things computer-related problem called
Troubleshooting and problems in the computer of course there's why. In
this occasion we will be a little learning to detect problems on your computer
mainly related to Hardware.
For problems with the software you should do a simple detection
were as the examination of files relating to the Software or specification
demand (requirement) of the Software. If the issue is complex, you should
Just re-install your software, because it would be too complicated to fix
a software, while for problems with Brainware, the writer can only
give advice "resting before deh, he ...".
Techniques in Troubleshooting
There are two kinds of techniques in detecting problems in the computer, which is a technique
Forward and Backward technique. To learn more about these two techniques, it helps us
first discuss the definition of each of these techniques.
1. Forward Engineering
As the name implies, this technique is in all sorts of problems detected
since the beginning of the computer assembled and this technique is usually only used by people
computer dealers who often do the assembly of the computer. In this technique only
detection problem is simple and is done before the computer is turned on (energized
electricity). To simplify please refer to the following examples:
§ After the computer finished assembled, then conducted checks on all hardware
has been installed, for example, examine the relationship of power supply cable into the power socket on
§ For ATX chassis, we check whether the Power Switch cable is properly installed.
§ etc..
2. Backward Technique
Similar to previous techniques, the technique is a technique for detecting Backward
error on computer after computer is turned on (electrically charged). More techniques
used because in general the problems in the new computer will arise after
"Flying hours" his computer had a lot and this is a natural thing. Can
we take some examples as follows:
§ Floppy Disk that can not read disks properly.
§ Computer will not turn on when the power button on the casing is pressed.
§ etc..

How to Prevent and Solve Computer Viruses

Every computer that is often connected to the outside world is likely to be infected by the virus PC. The most frequently occurs when you connect to a web site via the internet and downloading something onto your PC. You can also get the virus from an email attachment or by copying the files from somewhere, like a CD or flash disks. How to maintain computer security from viruses? The most secure computer is protected from the outside world, do not enter the flash disk and do not connect to the internet. But this is highly unlikely and nearly impossible.
The virus can spread from one computer to another computer, with internet media, external drives like flash drives and can also be a local network. When a new virus into kekomputer, most still "sleeping" alias is not active. Typically users who wake komputerlah virus.
A PC virus is a form of malware that has the ability to replicate themselves by infecting programs and files. Some types of viruses that are relatively harmless, often simply replicate themselves or displaying a message jokes. But others may be extremely dangerous and can even delete the contents of your hard disk.

How to prevent and resolve Virus
1. The best way to avoid viruses is to exercise restraint and selective and cautious in copying and downloading files from unknown sources and you do not have to open an email attachment if you do not know the sender.
2. Even more important is to ensure that you have the best anti-virus software installed on your PC and that is always active and up-to-date, no matter how often you can access the Internet.
3. Get used to scan first before copying a file from another party. This is the most common faux pas. My observations on the institution where I work is a virus most often spreads through the flash disk was scanned first. This is complicated but for the sake of computer security.
4. Do not get used to double-click the file that you do not believe its safety, it will immediately activate the virus if the file is bervirus. If you want to open a foleder, you should right click and select "Explorer" and not "Open". Why? Because if there is virus in the folder if you select open the virus almost immediately. If you select explorer, you can still see if there is a strange file in it.
5. If you have anti-virus software installed, activated and have to be updated, and run scans regularly. If there are strange things begin to happen, such as file disappears or becomes corrupt, strange messages appeared, so the processing system crash or slow down, then it is a sign.
6. If you have the skills, preferably with a antivirus scan done in safe mode, because many startup programs are disabled in this mode, including a possible program to hide a virus.
7. Another alternative is to identify programs or services that are there may be a suspicious way. But for this eperluan you need to learn more about the various services the windows operating system. Press the Ctrl, Alt and Del together to open the Task Manager. Check the entry list of services that run well on the Application and the Process tab to see if there is suspected as a virus. But you should be careful to disable anything here. Please see Serivices Windows All May Not Disturb, because penjellasan services windows there.
8. If you want your PC to remove viruses manually, download autoruns utility from the Microsoft website and then extract this program. Restart your PC in safe mode then double click the file autoruns.exe and select the Options menu. Look through all the tabs for each event you want to remove the virus, right click and select Delete. This will remove startup entries from the registry so the program will recover. Restart your PC in normal mode and the virus should no longer be present.


Here are some tips for choosing a good motherboard and CPU is suitable for us:
1.Carilah affordable & valuable motherboard in accordance with the intended use of the PC.
The most important thing when buying a product are budget funds available.
In accordance with the price motherboard is divided into 3 segments, namely: Value (affordable), Mainstream (medium) & High End (upper class). First, you decide the purpose of using a PC, if only used for standard / administration should use the type Value, when to use home-entertainment can use the mainstream and beyond.

2.Tentukan form-design (size) of the chassis you want to use.
The motherboard has two sizes, called Micro-ATX and ATX. This refers to the chassis (the chassis / CPU) used. Standard sized ATX (Tower PC), while the Micro-ATX size smaller (Mini Tower PC). Generally, use form-Value Motherboard Micro-ATX design.

3.Pilihlah the right chipset.
The chipset is the "heart" of the motherboard, and so determine the specifications of the motherboard used. Best motherboard always use the best chipsets as well. Choose the chipset with the latest technology, in order to use the latest devices and peripherals. For example: support for Intel LGA775 Processor, DDR/DDR2 RAM, Hard Disk Serial ATA, etc.. Chipset manufacturers are common in Indonesia, among others: Intel, Via and SiS.

4.Pastikan motherboard supports the latest processor, especially from Intel.
Intel is a "decisive" in the world of PC technology. Almost all standard PC made by this company, so we should use the platform interconnected with Intel, for example: motherboard that supports Intel processors. In addition, Intel products are usually also supports features the latest motherboard as described in the previous point.

5.Fasilitas integrated features (on-board).
Integrated facility is an additional feature that has been included on the motherboard, so we do not need to buy additional peripherals. Examples of integrated features (on-board), among others: Grafics Integrated (VGA Card), Audio System, LAN, USB, etc.. With this facility, then we can save money because it can be directly used.

6.Garansi adequate & good after-sales warranty.
Warranty is very important to ensure that if a PC time we have a problem (trouble), so we do not need to pay for the repairs. Look for brands that really have a real warranty and can be trusted. Currently the average motherboard under warranty 1-3 years. Warranty is also related to after-sales service, where we purchase additional devices or complaints about our products. That is important for us to buy a motherboard at a pretty bona fide dealer.

Driver 7.Ketersediaan supporters.
Driver is an application that serves to "introduce" or peripheral devices mounted on the motherboard, such as VGA cards, printers, CD ROMs and so forth. Without drivers, the device can not be berjalanan or recognized by the PC system. Make sure the motherboard has been equipped with a CD driver is up-to-dated so that it can recognize new devices.

8.Kompatibilitas system with various modules additional card.
Compatibility means that the suitability of devices and peripherals on the motherboard for any system to work properly. For example, what type of RAM or VGA card that we use to work fine with the motherboard. Compatibility is an important point, because if there is one device that does not fit mean overall PC unusable. To determine compatibility, to check on dealers who sell or read the manual (guide book) are available.

9.Mencari reference motherboard products of relations or the media.
To strengthen the knowledge before buying a motherboard, it's good we read the references that are readily available in computer magazines, books or the Internet. We also may ask the relationship expert who has. Right now widely available resource of information about architecture PC when we need it. With adequate knowledge will reduce the risk of buying or the price is too expensive.

10.Kelengkapan motherboard.
Last but not least important is the completeness of the motherboard. When buying a motherboard box-packaged must include a CD Driver, User Manual (Guide Book), Cable ATA / SATA / Floppy and Back-panel (used to coat the back of the casing as a connector). The items above the minimum must exist, because we can not assemble a PC without it.

If you are still confused to choose the right motherboard and match, here are guidelines & recommendations:

1. High End Motherboard: Intel D975XLKBKR.
2. Mainstream Motherboard: Intel D965GCLL, D946GZISSL, D965LTCK, D945PLNLR
3. Value Motherboard (Intel): Intel D102GGC2L, D865GSAL
4. Value Motherboard (Next): NextBoard N-P4M800C2D, N-H-865GV