VB + ViMaker32 is a worm generator worm created specifically to create a simple, fast and instant or terms gaulnya GPLLY (ga pake old la yaw .... J)
As its name suggests this program is to create a worm in the Visual Basic language that would have certain actions in accordance with the given settings. (Really in accordance with the arrangements that we love you know ....), So for the newbie who want to be # VM (Virus Maker bo ...!) Ni can use the program for learning. But just for study are pretty, rather than make a toy, nor the others are much less damage your computer for anyone else, made in accordance with the purpose of this tool, only for education and science, (That said the author ....). Oh yes this program can be downloaded for free at: http://www.spyrozone.net in menu + Vir & Worm Removal. Or e-mail to the owner aj at: rzwan182@gmail.com.
Oke dech directly aj times ye ... bus cape talk continues from earlier start-start neh ga ... J But before we start making the 'Black Project' with this tool we need some terms and tools, all of which can be downloaded at your own kitchen:
A glass of hot water complete with a spoon.
One sachet of cappuccino taste anything that has not expired, klo It can be downloaded at the nearest shop ... J)
Snacks, kalo ga can be nice and fat.
Heart, Mind and the intention is sincere and willing to endure all manner of effects and risks that occur when a mistake or accident that causes the worm to be the king made his own computer (a kind of backfire GTU .... J)
Now actually start deh, after the download, first install the program first VB + Vimaker32 his previous backup first but data2 important to prevent something undesirable, truz run. Exe file, then select File-> New Project (Full Load) or press Ctrl + F on your keyboard. The result is like the picture below.
Views VB + Vimaker32 RC 03:
Please enter all the information about viruses that will be created along with other arrangements, such arrangements Virus Information, Registry, Message and etc.. Inputs are all in accordance with the desire, for more details go to the documentation that came aja. All configuration information settings, etc. were there. What's interesting about this is because many programs and settings that can be arranged kustomasi itself in accordance with the needs, unlike other generators worm program that just stayed enter the name of the author and the message to be displayed, feel less free and freely GTU ... J,
For about a registry setting to be changed can be taken at the menu Tools-> Selector Action Registry, which contains 50 Registry Entry can be selected, just select truz double-click on its registry settings. Truz click Insert, Cut and paste in the section [registry]. In addition, the worm created with this tool can also read the active window caption so that if the caption is in the forbidden list will be automatically deactivated. To select the list window caption to be disabled to use the Caption Window Selector in the Tools menu. 176 there is a caption that can be selected list. I knew it ga much different from the local worm like. Pokokenya top bgt nih program! He .. he ... J
Here's the view Registry Action Selector:
Window Caption Selector
Do not forget the icon virus can also be changed, to change the default icon lived change in Subsection: EXEIcon = \ Icons Source \ Folder \ Folder001.ico
There are many options provided in the folder icon Source Icons, so just select aja ...
Last and is a long-awaited moment is to check the code that has been typed before compiled into a virus. Click the menu Project-> Project Analysis or press F8 to analyze the code, after analysis is complete and no errors are detected then writing code 'Black Project' that we make can be directly compiled. Press F9 to compile the project and a warning message will appear and ask whether the compilation will dilajutkan, first read all the consequences truz klo agree click yes, the virus that we make will be directly compiled into executable files (. Exe)
Compile the results of the virus file:
Compile the results file is quite large because it does not automatically compressed internally, but we still can compress with another program like UPX compressor or tElock. Last but good-Virus Maker J Hopefully this article really helpful and there was no intention of motivating for writers at all to create a virus with this tool, the goal is not just another writer to share information and knowledge and the author is not liable for any risks that occur due to of abuse of this article. And the authors thank jasakom who has been willing to publish this article.
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